Astronomical Data and Tides
20 Jan 2025
Sunrise and Sunset
Elevation Angle
7.15 am
1.16 pm
7.18 pm
Moonrise and Moonset
Elevation Angle
11.47 am
High and Low Tides
Height (m)
Sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset information is obtained from the U.S. Naval Observatory. Test
The moon revolves around the earth, making its position relative to the sun change about 12 degrees each day. This in turn causes the moon to rise and set at different times each day, with each time occurring later than the day before.
As the time of occurrence between two consecutive moonrises is about 50 minutes beyond the 24 hour day, depending on your location on Earth, there are some days without a moonset; that is, if today’s moonset is less than 50 minutes before midnight, there will be no moonset tomorrow, and the next moonset will fall after midnight the day after. If the moonset today is more than 50 minutes before midnight, the next moonset will fall tomorrow.
The tidal information is obtained from the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore. Tidal height is in metres above the ‘Chart Datum’, which is the lowest water level recorded over a fixed period (usually 18 years) at a particular point