1 Where can I find the weather forecast for Singapore?
MSS provides the following local weather forecasts:

  • 2-hour forecast for town centres;
  • 24-hour forecast for the north, south, east, west and central Singapore;
  • 4 day outlook for Singapore in general; and
  • Fortnightly weather outlook

The forecasts can be accessed from our local weather forecast pages. Weather forecast information is also available on the myENV app which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

2 Where can I find information on the current weather conditions over Singapore?
Readings of rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and wind as measured from a network of automatic weather stations located across the island are updated in near real-time on the Current Observations page. UV Index is reported every 15 minutes between 7am and 7pm. It is measured at the meteorological station located in Changi.

Information from weather radar and meteorological satellite are also available on our website.

3 How can I find out where is it raining over Singapore now?
The weather radar rain images provide a near real-time pictorial representation of the location and intensity of rainfall over Singapore and the surrounding region.

Readings on the total amount of rain which has fallen for the day can also be accessed at the Current Observations page.

4 Where can I find information about lightning?
Information on the location of lightning detected over Singapore is updated in near real-time at the Lightning Information Service website and the myENV mobile app. The website and app show the locations and type of lightning (i.e. cloud-to-cloud or cloud-to-ground lightning) detected by MSS’ lightning detection sensors. In addition, the website and app also include alerting options to notify users whenever lightning has been detected, or whenever the forecaster has issued a forecast of thundery showers*, within 6-8 km of the location selected by the user.

Information on lightning can be accessed from our Learn pages.


*Thundery showers may produce lightning

5 Where can I find information on past weather statistics?
Historical daily readings of rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and wind collected from weather stations across Singapore are available under the Climate section of our website.

Information on historical extremes for rainfall, temperature and other parameters (e.g., highest daily totals for rainfall, highest daily maximum temperature etc) can also be accessed Climate historical extremes page.

If other types of data are required, please contact us at sales_climo@nea.gov.sg . Please note that an administrative fee will be charged for the extraction, preparation and verification of the data.

6 Can I subscribe to weather warnings / alerts?
MSS issues warnings of heavy rain, which can be accessed from this page and through push alerts, via SMS (requires subscription at the PUB website) or the myENV app. The heavy rain warnings are usually issued about 15-30 minutes before the occurrence of heavy rain.

Lightning alerts for specific locations can be configured at the Lightning Information Service Page or from the myENV app. Push notifications would be sent whenever there is lightning detected and/or a forecast of thundery showers issued, within a distance of the selected location.

Information on other hazards, such as haze, earthquakes, tropical cyclones and volcanic ash can be found at the “Warnings and Advisories” section of the website.

7 Where can I find information on hotspots and haze?
The regional haze situation is updated daily at the ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Centre website. The website also includes information on hotspots, satellite imagery and forecast wind conditions.

During the traditional dry season for the region, MSS issues daily haze advisories which can be assessed from the haze information page.


For PSI and other haze related information, please visit the Haze microsite.

8 Is weather information available in formats which can be used by developers?
Developers can subscribe to datasets at the NEA website and data.gov.sg.
9 Where can I find marine weather information?
Marine weather information such as forecasts of wind, waves and swell can be found on the marine weather services website.

Tide information can be accessed here.

10 Where can I find educational material about weather and climate?
Educational information on various topics such as the earth’s atmosphere, winds, clouds, weather systems, weather observations, severe weather, forecasting, climate, tides and earthquakes/ volcanoes can be found on our “Learn” pages.

MSS has also published “The Weather and Climate of Singapore” which is a publication focusing specifically on Singapore’s weather and climate. The book covers the weather systems commonly experienced in Singapore, such as thunderstorms, “Sumatra” squalls and monsoon surges and explains the science of weather observations and predictions, and statistics in an easy-to-understand manner.