Singapore, 21 March 2015 – Hazy conditions continue to affect Singapore today. The PM2.5 levels are slightly elevated in most regions of Singapore this afternoon. At 6pm, the 24-hr PSI was 72-82, in the Moderate range, while the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration was 32-42 ug/m3. There were thundery showers in the northern and central parts of Singapore in the late afternoon.
2The haziness is likely due to an accumulation of particulate matter in the atmosphere under light wind conditions. Burning activities in the region could have contributed to an increased concentration of particulate matter.
3The current hazy conditions are expected to persist for the rest of today. For tomorrow, slight haziness under light wind conditions can still be expected, and thundery showers are forecast in the late afternoon and evening. The 24-hr PSI for Singapore is expected to be in the Moderate range.
4The health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status, the PSI level, and the length and intensity of outdoor activity. Reducing outdoor activities and physical exertion can help limit the ill effects from haze exposure. Persons who are not feeling well, especially the elderly and children, and those with chronic heart or lung conditions, should seek medical attention. Given the air quality forecast for the next 24 hours, everyone can continue with normal activities.
5For updates, visit our NEA website (, the haze microsite (, or follow us on NEA Facebook ( and NEA Twitter (@NEAsg).
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