Singapore, 17 October 2023 – It was fair and warm over Singapore today. As at 6pm, the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings were 8-22 µg/m3, in Band I (Normal), and the 24-hr PSI was 51-65, in the Moderate range.
Update on Hotspot and Haze Situation
2 The weather remained dry over most parts of the surrounding region today. 530 hotspots were detected in southern and central Sumatra, higher than the 285 hotspots detected yesterday. Smoke haze over southern and central Sumatra was observed to be blown towards the northwest by prevailing winds.
3 An increase in shower activities is forecast for Singapore and the surrounding region from tomorrow. The prevailing winds are forecast to blow mainly from the southeast or south, weakening to become light and variable in direction over the next few days. The likelihood of transboundary haze affecting Singapore is assessed to be low. For the next 24 hours, the 24-hr PSI for Singapore is forecast to be in the Moderate range.
Activity Guidelines
4 The health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status, the PSI level, and the length and intensity of outdoor activity. For immediate outdoor activities, please check the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings and personal guide. Use the 24-hr PSI forecast and corresponding health advisories for planning next day outdoor activities.
5 For updates, visit our haze microsite (, the NEA website (, MSS website (, mobile app (myEnv) or follow us on NEA Facebook ( and NEA Twitter (@NEAsg). For information on the distribution of hotspots detected over the past fortnight in the region, please refer to the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) website at
Areas with lighter smoke haze are not indicated as they cannot be clearly discerned from satellite imagery.
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