Wet and Warm Weather to Continue in First Half of May 2022

Singapore, 29 Apr 2022 The wet and warm weather experienced in April 2022 is forecast to continue into the first fortnight of May 2022. With the presence of the monsoon rain band close to the equatorial Southeast Asia region, thundery showers are expected on most days in the first fortnight of May 2022.

2        The prevailing inter-monsoon conditions over Singapore are expected to persist into May 2022. In the first half of the month, the low-level winds are forecast to be light and variable in direction but may strengthen to blow from the southwest or west on some days.

3        In the first fortnight of May 2022, short-duration moderate to heavy thundery showers with frequent lightning are expected over parts of the island between the afternoon and evening on some days. On several days in the early part of the fortnight, the presence of low-pressure systems over the South China Sea may bring a shift in the low-level winds to blow from the southwest or west. This could induce the development of Sumatra squalls in the Strait of Malacca and bring widespread thundery showers with gusty winds over Singapore during the pre-dawn hours and morning. Overall, the rainfall for May 2022 is expected to be near-normal over most parts of Singapore.

4        The warm conditions experienced in the last fortnight of April 2022 are forecast to persist into the first fortnight of May 2022. The daily temperature is expected to range between 24 and 34 degrees Celsius on most days and could reach 35 degrees Celsius on a few days. On some rainy days, the daily minimum temperature may drop to a low of around 23 degrees Celsius.

5          For updates of the daily weather forecast, please visit the MSS website (https://www.weather.gov.sg), NEA website (www.nea.gov.sg), or download the myENV app.

REVIEW (1 – 28 April 2022)

 6        In April 2022, inter-monsoon conditions prevailed over Singapore and the surrounding region with the prevailing winds generally light and variable in direction. Under the influence of a few tropical storms over the Western Pacific Ocean, the winds strengthened and blew from the southwest or west on some days.

7        There were more showers in the second half of April 2022 compared to the first half of the month. In the first half of April 2022, localised and short-duration thundery showers fell over parts of the island mainly in the late morning and afternoon on some days. On most days in the second half of April 2022, thundery showers fell in the afternoon over most parts of the island due to strong daytime heating of land areas. There were also a few days when thundery showers fell during the night and in the pre-dawn hours. On 17 April 2022, large-scale convergence of winds in the surrounding region brought several spells of thundery showers which started in the afternoon and extended into the evening and night. The daily total rainfall of 91.1mm recorded at Seng Kang that day was the highest rainfall recorded for April 2022.

8        It was generally warm in April 2022. The daily maximum temperature was above 34 degrees Celsius on 13 days. On seven of these days, the daily maximum temperature was at least 35.0 degrees Celsius, with the highest temperature of 36.8 degrees Celsius recorded at Admiralty on 1 April 2022. The lowest minimum temperature was 22.2 degrees Celsius recorded at Sembawang on 9 April 2022.

9        About half of the island recorded above-normal rainfall in April 2022. The rainfall recorded at Sentosa was 78 percent above average. The rainfall at Jurong West was 57 percent below average.



Long-term Statistics for May
(Climatological reference period: 1991 – 2020)

Average daily maximum temperature: 32.3 °C
Average daily minimum temperature: 25.7 °C
Average monthly temperature: 28.6 °C
Average rainfall: 164.3 mm
Average number of rain days: 15


Historical Extremes for May
(Rainfall since 1869 and temperature since 1929)

Highest monthly mean daily maximum temperature: 33.6 °C (1997)
Lowest monthly mean daily minimum temperature: 23.5 °C (1974)
Highest monthly rainfall ever recorded: 386.6 mm (1892)
Lowest monthly rainfall ever recorded: 41.6 mm (1997)