Haze Situation Update (15 October 2023)

Singapore, 15 October 2023 – Fair and warm conditions prevailed over Singapore today. As at 5pm, the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings were 14-47 µg/m3, in Band I (Normal), and the 24-hr PSI was 52-77, in the Moderate range.

Update on Hotspot and Haze Situation

2    Dry weather persisted over most of the surrounding regions today. 24 hotspots were detected mostly in the southern and central parts of Sumatra, lower than the 68 hotspots detected yesterday.

3    Continued dry conditions are forecast over Singapore and the surrounding region until Monday, with the prevailing winds expected to blow mainly from the south to southwest. There is a chance of slight haze affecting Singapore if the regional haze situation escalates. For the next 24 hours, the 24-hr PSI for Singapore is forecast to be in the Moderate range.

Activity Guidelines

4    The health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status, the PSI level, and the length and intensity of outdoor activity. For immediate outdoor activities, please check the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings and personal guide. Use the 24-hr PSI forecast and corresponding health advisories for planning next day outdoor activities.

5     For updates, visit our haze microsite (www.haze.gov.sg), the NEA website (www.nea.gov.sg), MSS website (https://www.weather.gov.sg), mobile app (myEnv) or follow us on NEA Facebook (www.facebook.com/NEASingapore) and NEA Twitter (@NEAsg). For information on the distribution of hotspots detected over the past fortnight in the region, please refer to the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) website at https://asmc.asean.org.

Areas with lighter smoke haze are not indicated as they cannot be clearly discerned from satellite imagery.

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